
Information about belonging to the church:

St. Thomas’ is an Inclusive Church and welcomes all who would like to attend.  Our table is open to all who have been baptised into Christ and who love Him as their Lord and Saviour.  We do like to keep in touch with our members, and as such we ask for this form (APPLICATION NEW MEMBERSHIP @ June 2015) to be completed and returned to the office.

Belonging to St. Thomas’ means that you are doing more than attending the services that are offered.  There are a host of areas in which our members take part, or minister, and in which we encourage one another to grow as the body of Christ as we work together as a family.   These areas are listed below.  If you are interested in being a part of any of these, please drop us a line and you will be contacted shortly by the appropriate person.


Youth Group –  UNDER CONSTRUCTION _ Watch this space!

Home Groups

M.O.S.T  (Our outreach program)

Tea garden




Sunday School

(And we are still growing!)